Kickstarted follows the stories of three creators who turn to the ‘crowd’ in order to pursue their dreams. These creators all recognized that crowdfunding has opened the doors of opportunity to anyone who wants to bring an idea to life. Seemingly, all you need to do is ask for support. What they soon realize is that once you put your dream out into the world, the really hard part begins. Crowdfunding is just the first step – whether you reach your financial goal or not.

In this film we see the entire process from campaign through to completion in an effort to explore what it means to chase your dreams when you have a crowd watching it all unfold. 

At the center of the film is Brad Carter, a musician suffering from a neurological disease that is taking away his ability to play guitar. A high-risk brain surgery gives him a one last opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream: record an album. Racing to complete his mission before his skills fade forever, he turns to the crowd for the funding and support he needs. It’s only after he is successfully funded that the odds are truly stacked against him. With the pressure of having to deliver something he’s promised in an extremely public manner, Brad fights to relearn his craft, faces the possibility of another brain surgery and attempts to overcome his own demons in order to see his dream through to the end. 

Kickstarted also features interviews and insights from many of the leading names in crowdfunding including Amanda Palmer, LeVar Burton, Emily Best, Ryan Grepper of the Coolest Cooler and more.

Brad’s music features throughout the film, check out some of the tracks on his EP ‘Fieldhand.’